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Liver fibrosis relentlessly accompanies the evolution of chronic hepatitis. In the protocols of diagnosis, staging and treatment, the assessment of liver fibrosis is absolutely mandatory in the correct therapeutic gesture. Liver biopsy is an invasive, risky method. There are currently a number of non-invasive tests that offer the correct staging of fibrosis and are admitted in the therapeutic decision and monitoring of chronic hepatitis.

ShearWave elastography is a technological achievement that allows ultrasound to provide complementary information by accurately measuring the elasticity of tissue in kilopascals; this is assessed by the speed at which the waves propagate through the tissue. ShearWave elastography is used on many organs such as the liver, prostate, thyroid, breast or gynecology.

The advantages of SW elastography

Simple, painless test

The test for liver fibrosis is non-invasive and painless. It is simple, fast and reproducible.

Immediate result

Following SWE elastography, the result is immediately made available to the patient.

The test can be repeated at any time

The procedure can be performed whenever necessary, especially when done for the evaluation of the treatment.

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Servicii Gastroenterologie Digestmed

European standard medical services

Optimal conditions day hospitalization

ShearWave elastography indications

Chronic hepatitis with B or C virus

Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis


Liver cirrhosis of any etiology

Drug-caused hepatitis

Wilson’s disease

Alcoholic hepatopathy

Toxic hepatitis

Patients who refuse liver puncture

Values ​​in hepatitis and cirrhosis

Fibrosis in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis is assessed through 4 degrees, from F1 to F4 (F1 being the lowest degree).

The approximate correspondence between liver fibrosis and SW elastography results is as follows:

  • Mild fibrosis / absence of fibrosis (F0-F1) 4.8 kPa (4.0-5.7);
  • Moderate fibrosis (F2) 7.2 kPa (5.7-9);
  • Advanced fibrosis (F3) 8.5 kPa (6.7- 9.5);
  • Cirrhosis (F4) 14.0 kPa (11-17).

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